What we are up to...
Summer Is Coming!!
Get Booked into Summer classes Today!!
2 Weeks avaulable with Miss Bella
8:30-4:30 with early drop off/pick up available (30 min before/After)
Come join Miss Ronin on Tuesdays this summer starting July 2nd!
●6-6:45 Beg/Prim Intro to Ballet intensive $90
●6:45-7:45 Jr/Inter/Sr Ballet intensive $110
●7:45-8:30 Jr/Inter/Sr Tech Class $90
More info about the classes
Ballet Technique provides dancers with the necessary training to improve their balance, strength, control and flexibility.This is achieved through a mix of barre, centre and across the floor exercises, with an emphasis on structure and classroom etiquette.Proper technique is critical to ensure dancers have the foundation to reduce chance of injury, and perform at their best.Dancers will learn the skills of self-discipline and dedication required to achieve their goals; regardless of dance form!
Technique is an interdisciplinary class, aiming to improve dancers stamina and overall technical ability.Proper technique is critical to ensure dancers have the foundation to reduce chance of injury, and perform at their best. Students will cross train with yoga and pilates exercises, alongside classic dance technique, to improve: turns, kicks, jumps, muscle and mobility.